The Server Blacklist
is now public.
There are currently unique IP addresses blacklisted.
It's available in .csv, .txt, .htaccess and two different
i-blocklist formatted downloads.
The IP addresses listed are recommended as a DENY on
your firewalls, web and mail servers.
These machines have been stopped, blocked and
publicly blacklisted.
ISP and web hosting companies are using these lists. Since the list is
now public, now you can too.
Keep spreading the word! The tools are helping take them off-line a
little sooner,
and keep them off-line a little longer.
Please use the Contact Page if you are
interested in participating in a
distributed network of blacklisting machines.
Dynamic IP addresses and Windows servers need not apply.
There is a growing list of very handy tools in the links above or on the
WHOIS lookups,
Mail Server MX
& RBL (Realtime Block
List) lookups
and more.
They are all free to use. They will always be free to use.
Registration and login is required. We won't bug you. It's just one
anti-bot measure to further protect the tools that
17632 people
use. Enjoy!
See the Privacy Policy for more information
with regards to data collection, blocking, reporting and blacklisting
This website does not tolerate spam bots or malicious trolling robots.
For those using robots and scripts looking for compromised
servers through our network:
YOUR internet service, including bandwidth, CPU usage of
one or more machines, or availability
may be compromised.
You've been warned.